Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Playing With Light


Playing With Light, a set on Flickr.

This is one of my earlier experimentations with lighting and shutter speed. Good times.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Lakeview Cemetery Shoot-Flickr

Photostream from Flickr

Lakeview Cemetery Outing

This is my first attempt at a photography blog. Yay! I've always been interested in photography, but only recently acquired a "real" camera (Canon EOS Rebel T3). It's a beginner's camera, and I'm using the stock lens it came with, but I AM a beginner, so it works.

Here I will be posting my photographic adventures as I learn the craft. I do TRY to shoot in color, but for some reason black and white photographs are always more interesting to me. Normally, we already see things in color - so taking a picture of things in their 'natural' state is kind of boring to me. With black and white photography, your eye isn't diverted by the colors - it's drawn to the details - and I really prefer that. I like to see things in a different light, as it were.

I've been practicing for a few days since I got my camera, but today was my first adventure! The BFF and I took a trip to Lakeview Cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio. There's a fascination for me in interesting memorials - no clue why. Perhaps its because cemeteries can hold amazing sculpture, perhaps its because I'm morose. Who knows. Either way, here are some shots. We picked the hottest day in July to do this, and the heat and bugs were outrageous!

My favorite of the day - the Haserot Angel. I could photograph this one all day (and almost did!)
Another great sculpture.
So peaceful.
Color? What? Inside the Garfield Monument
Spiral staircase leading to President Garfield's crypt.
The fairly boring Cleveland skyline from atop the Garfield Monument.
Some of the mausoleums are just incredibly gorgeous.
Another beautiful one.
Such detail.
Sergey. Such whimsy.
Sweet Kitty.
See the stream on my Flickr page for more shots from this trip.